biolitec-Interactive: Information module for digital communication with doctors online – Download the new proctologist app now

Jena, August 24, 2020 – Digital information retrieval has never been more important than during the corona pandemic. In order to provide information even better online and thus without risk of infection, especially to doctors, and to facilitate digital contact, biolitec has now introduced an interactive information center on its website. Under the heading “Interactive” doctors can find information about contacts, current news about webinars, workshops and training courses and a media center that provides the latest studies, films and press releases.

In addition to announcements of webinars, workshops and training courses, for example on the subject of varicose vein laser therapy, there are also registrations for participation under the respective menu item. Anyone who has suggestions or additions to a webinar, or would like to offer one themselves, can contact biolitec directly on This enables a direct exchange and the optimization of future events. Doctors will thus stay up to date with the latest research and development on the most innovative laser treatment methods.

After the biolitec Phlebology App, doctors can now also download the biolitec Proctology App in the App stores of Apple and Google. There you will find a lot of information about the field of proctology, biolitec’s laser therapies, upcoming events, studies, videos and a regular newsletter. The app also allows direct contact to the company’s sales representatives.

Both apps have a new module: “biolitec-Interactive”. Thanks to the interactive module, doctors now also have uncomplicated direct access to the interactive information center on the biolitec website via the app. This makes all information provided and participation registrations for webinars and similar events accessible for smartphones and tablets without the need for users to visit the biolitec website. The Phlebology App also has the new “Tools” module, which provides practical assistance for the correct use of biolitec lasers for varicose veins.

With these new methods of digital communication biolitec enables specialists and general practitioners to gain the latest knowledge and information as quickly as possible and to stay in touch digitally at a safe distance.

Keywords:Digital information, corona pandemic, without risk of infection, biolitec interactive, webinar, app, varicose vein laser therapy
