Boost for cooperation in the health sector

BioRegio STERN receives funding for technology transfer management

(Stuttgart) – The Baden-W?rttemberg State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing is funding the InnoBooST project for three and a half years. A total of twelve institutions throughout the state have been selected to take technology transfer in Baden-W?rttemberg to the next level, with financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The objective of InnoBooST is to strengthen and expand the health sector”s innovation landscape in the STERN BioRegion.

BioRegio STERN Management GmbH is aiming to use the InnoBooST project, which started in January this year and is scheduled to run for a total of three and a half years, to increase cooperation in the health sector. InnoBooST is supporting technology transfer in the region, both between individual companies and between businesses and research institutes. A wide range of free information and agency services – including an overview of funding, access to networks/competitions and details of events – are available to companies seeking cooperation partners in the health sector or looking to raise their profile in the STERN BioRegion. BioRegio STERN Management GmbH is benefiting from 145,000 euros of funding from the ERDF for this project.

Contacts for businesses:
Nina Henzler, +49 711-870354-34

Diana Schwarz-Dermann, +49 711-870354-25

Information about the technology transfer services of BioRegio STERN Management GmbH:

